
How does RefundLabs work?
Our proprietary algorithms identify over 27 scenarios where Amazon owes you money. Our Recovery Specialists individual review each identified event, and manually file claims tickets where appropriate. Learn more on our How It Works page.
What kind of reimbursement scenarios can RefundLabs identify?
RefundLabs can identify over 27 types of reimbursement events from lost inbound inventory to missing customer returns to incorrect fees. Find out more here.
How much money can I expect to get back from Amazon?
If you haven't filed any claim tickets and your sales come primarily from FBA fulfillment, you can expect up to 3% of revenue back. Sign up for free to get a detailed analysis of what to expect, or check out our Refunds Estimator.
What do I need to create an account?
Not much. All you need to get started is an Amazon seller account. After entering basic contact information (name, email, phone number), we'll ask you to connect your seller account. After that, we'll start identifying reimbursement scenarios.
What marketplaces are supported?
Currently the NA, EU, and JP regions are supported, but we'll be adding additional marketplaces soon.
How do you ensure that RefundLabs adheres to Amazon's Terms of Service?
All claims tickets are manually filed by a dedicated Recovery Specialist who is assigned to your account. Before filing a ticket, the Recovery Specialist will review your account as well as the reimbursement event to ensure that only appropriate claims are filed.
Do you have a demo of the claims management portal?
Contact our team and we can schedule a demo.
How do I cancel my service?
Send us an e-mail here to cancel your RefundLabs account. We will continue to monitor any tickets that we've already filed with Amazon, but will stop identifying new scenarios and stop filing new tickets. After sending a final invoice, your account will be closed.
What happens to my seller data when I cancel?
If you cancel your RefundLabs account, all account data, reports, and analysis information will be removed.


How frequently are claim tickets filed? Why aren't all identified claims filed immediately?
We've structured our claims process to ensure you get your money back as soon as possible. Amazon often delays payment when too many tickets are filed at once, so we batch our claim tickets to ensure timely approval.
What happens if I open a claim myself?
You will only be billed for claims that we've filed on your behalf that are approved by Amazon. You will not be billed for claims that you file.
Do you submit automated claims?
Absolutely not. All claims are manually filed by our trained Recovery Specialists after a thorough review.
How far back can you recover money from Amazon?
Amazon allows claims for events that have occured up to 18 months ago. When you first sign up, we'll review the last 18 months of data to identify reimbursement situations. We continue to identify new reimbursement events for as long as you're a RefundLabs customer.
How long do you wait before opening claims?
The amount of time we wait before opening a claim ticket depends on the reimbursement type. For example, for claims involving customer returns, we wait until the the return period has ended.
What permissions do I need to give my Recovery Specialist?
Your Recovery Specialist needs to be given the following permissions. Please follow the instructions in your account to make sure that the appropriate e-mail address is given these permissions:
  • Manage FBA Inventory/Shipments
  • Fulfillment Reports
  • Payment Reports
  • Manage your Cases
How can I track the claims you have opened and the status of them?
Through our dashboard, you can view all the claims that we've filed on your behalf. You can view the status of the claim as well as all of the communication between our Recovery Specialist and Amazon. You can also view information on the affected inventory, and a timeline of all dates associated with the claim (event date, filing date, approval date, etc).
How do you avoid making duplicate claims for the same issues?
We track SKUs, order IDs, and other information to ensure that we do not file duplicate claims. As an additional check, our Recovery Specialist reviews all identified events before manually filing a claims ticket.


Do I have to pay any monthly fees?
Nope! It's free to open a RefundLabs account, and there are no monthly account fees. You only pay us after a claim has been approved by Amazon.
Do you offer a free trial?
No, but you can sign up for free without providing any billing information. We'll analyze your account and show you what you can expect to get back before asking you to enter a payment method. You only pay us after we've successfully filed a claim on your behalf.
What is your pricing model?
When Amazon approves a reimbursement claim that we've filed, we charge a percentage of the reimbursement amount as a commission. For example, if we successfully get you a $1,000 reimbursement, we'll charge you a portion of this amount.
How do I provide a payment method?
After creating an account, you can add credit card or bank account information through our online interface.
How do I know that I am being charged accurately?
Through our claims dashboard you can view detailed invoice information. For each invoice, you can see a listing of all associated claims, as well as the amount we charged for each of these claims. We only charge you for claims that have been approved by Amazon.

Find out how much Amazon owes you

Start for free. We can get up to 3% of your revenue back. You don't pay us, until you get paid.
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